Category: outfit

♥ I’m in the mood for Love I wore: quipao dress, Linva Tailor Hong Kong; glitter shoes, courtesy of Le Babe; japanese kanzashi, bought in Kyoto. Mi rendo conto solo ora di non avervi ancora raccontato la storia del mio primo quipao, acquistato quest’Estate ad Hong Kond da Mr. Ching-Wah […]

#outfit. I’m in the mood for Love.

♥ Happy Together I wore: pants, COS; lace booties, courtesy of Le Babe Shoes; cachemire and cotton T-shirt, courtesy of Prince Tees; sunglasses, courtesy of Blackfin Eyewear; coat, Shrimps; faux fur hat, custom made; bag, Christian Dior customized by me. Pics taken in Budapest.

#outfit. Happy Together.